Carleton Offices & Services of Special Interest to Parents

  • Academic Advisers
    Academic advisers assist with program planning, course selection, career choices, and academic difficulties. They also help with personal concerns when possible.
  • Academic Support Center
    The ASC is a free service offering individualized academic tutoring and study skills coaching, as well as assistance through the Writing Center, individual ESL tutoring, the Prefect Program, the Math Skills Center, and the Speakeasy.
  • Accessibility Resources
    The Office of Accessibility Resources promotes access and equity for all Carleton students. Students can reach out to this office for accommodations in academic, dining, and housing settings.
  • Bookstore
    The Carleton Bookstore provides all textbooks for every class, used books for most classes at reduced prices, more than 20,000 titles for general reading, and Carleton clothing and insignia gifts.
  • Business Office
    The Business Office coordinates student payrolls and allows students to cash checks and pay bills in person for tuition, room/board, and other miscellaneous fees.
  • Career Center
    The Career Center works with students throughout their four years at Carleton and beyond to help them plan, prepare for, and pursue their educational, career, and life goals.
  • Center for Community and Civic Engagement (CCCE)
    The CCCE offers students opportunities for civic engagement, primarily through volunteer programs in Northfield and surrounding communities.
  • College Chaplain
    The Office of the Chaplain hosts weekly chapel services and other special religious events representing a variety of faiths. Staff members are also available for pastoral counseling and support.
  • College Communications
    The Office of College Communications coordinates events such as convocations, Family Weekend, and Commencement, and distributes news about student activities, honors and achievements to hometown media outlets.
  • Dean of Students
    The Dean of Students and Associate Deans serve as advocates, advisers, and problem solvers for all students at Carleton. They offer educational counseling, monitor academic progress, and administer College policies.
  • Dining/Meal Plans
    With few exceptions, all students living in College residences participate in a meal plan. Carleton offers flexible plans that allow students to eat in any of three campus locations.
  • Gender and Sexuality Center
    The GSC promotes gender equality and awareness and provides students of all sexual orientations and gender identities support, resources, and advocacy on women’s, men’s, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender issues.
  • Office of Health Promotion
    The Office of Health Promotion helps all Carleton students flourish. Services include Carleton’s therapy dogs, information about healthy sleep patterns, and other ways to promote health and well-being.
  • The Office of Intercultural Life
    The Office International Life has a dual purpose: (1) to support, retain, and guide domestic students of color and international students throughout their Carleton career and beyond; and (2), through cultural and educational programming, to provide spaces for discussion and dialogue, particularly to issues of domestic and global diversity.
  • Off Campus Studies
    More than 65 percent of all Carleton students study off campus sometime during their four years at Carleton. The OCS office assists students with all aspects of planning for Carleton and non-Carleton off-campus programs.
  • Post Office/Mail Service
    Students receive all incoming U.S. mail, UPS, and FedEx packages, and campus mail at the campus post office. The post office forwards first class and priority mail to home addresses during summer and winter breaks.
  • Residential Life
    The Office of Residential Life works to create a healthy, safe, and thriving environment for students, helping them adjust to living and learning with other students through a variety of services and activities.
  • Security Services
    Security Services is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and works with area police to promote personal safety and the prevention of crime on a safe and secure campus.
  • Student Activities
    The Student Activities office plans programs and events, coordinates volunteer opportunities, produces several publications, and serves as a resource to student organizations.
  • Student Financial Aid
    The Office of Student Financial Aid (SFA) can answer your general questions about financing a Carleton education and specific questions about aid application procedures, financial aid awards, and aid for off-campus study programs.
  • Student Health and Counseling
    Student Health and Counseling offers medical and mental health services to all Carleton students, helping students meet their physical and mental health needs from a holistic perspective, with a focus on education for life-long learning and health.
  • TRIO/Student Support Services
    The federally funded TRIO/SSS program assists participating students in overcoming social, cultural, financial, personal, academic, and other challenges and works to increase awareness of socioeconomic class issues at Carleton and develop an environment in which all students can thrive.

For any other Carleton offices or departments, visit the Campus Directory Offices & Departments listing.